Blessed are you for the apostles

Thank you, Lord, for the apostles, pillars of your Church,

Blessed are you for Peter, humble fisherman from Galilee,

Blessed are you for Andrew, the first called,

Blessed are you for Santiago that attracts so many pilgrims to Compostela,

Blessed are you for Juan who rested in your Heart,

Blessed are you for Philip who invites us: "Come and see" (Jn 1, 46),

Blessed are you for Bartholomew, whom you called under the fig tree,

Blessed are you for Matthew, evangelist and apostle who left his office as publican,

Blessed are you for Thomas who passes from incredulity to one of the most beautiful professions of faith: "My Lord and my God! (John 20:28),

Blessed are you for James, son of Alphaeus,

Blessed are you by Simon the Zealot,

Blessed are you for Judas.


Lord, make us constantly seek you, have the desire to listen to you and be healed by you!

Have mercy on us who are nothing without you!

