Jan 01
But if we close ourselves to the love of Jesus, we ourselves are the ones who condemn ourselves. Salvation is opening up to Jesus, and He saves us. If we are sinners -and we all are- we ask for your forgiveness; and if we go to Him wanting to be good, the Lord forgives us. But for this we must open ourselves to the love of Jesus, which is stronger than all other things. The love of Jesus is great, the love of Jesus is merciful, the love of Jesus forgives. But you must open up, and opening up means repenting, accusing ourselve of the things that are not good and things we have done. This is how Jesus embraces us. If we think of the judgment in this perspective, all fear and hesitation diminishes and leaves room for waiting and deep joy: it will be precisely the moment in which we will finally be judged ready to be clothed with the glory of Christ, as with a bridal garment, and be led to the banquet, image of full and definitive communion with God. (General Audience, December 11, 2013)
@Translated from spanish