Jan 01
"I am the way and the truth and the life (Jn 14, 6)
God is the way:
Regardless of how many times we go to mass, the commitment to our parish, the rosaries we do, do we believe from the bottom of our hearts that we are Christians? If the answer is positive, we could then take more seriously Christ and Christianity. It seems complicated but in reality, it is simple; it is letting Christ enter more into our daily lives. We could, for example, listen to our music more, open a space for the blogs of priests and consecrated religious, incorporate some of them into our networks, follow them, follow the Pope, have the parish priest's phone number on our cell phone and from time to call him, read Catholic news, invite the people we live with to say a prayer, use our catholic digital tools more, talk more at home about our faith, etc. There are many more things we could do, including make them a habit in our daily lives. In the end it will show is how proud we are to be Christians.

God is the truth:
Shall we introduce our best friend? Or better: do the people around me recognize that Christ is my best friend? It is not about talking to convince, nor about driving everyone to despair with conversations about our faith. It is about making clear in our lives that Christ is in us and therefore, we bear witness. Theoretically we are already Christians, that is, we are already good, merciful, true, selfless, etc. but then? Everything would change if go more often and pay visit to Him, if we talk more with Him, if we thank Him more, if we support His decisions (His will), if we invite Him to all the places we go, if He is our main ally when making decisions, if we remember Him more and offer Him a gift (prayer, thought, fasting, offering, sacrifice, etc.). Certainly when God becomes our best friend, the rest will follow (Matthew 6:33).

God is Life:
We must live in a world full of life, a world where the entire planet interests us, where we become aware of its importance and change our bad habits, which are sometimes difficult to uproot, but which with dedication can also be transformed. Fortunately we don't live alone. Our house is common, and at the same time, our actions have a great impact on the entire house. We Christians take care of the environment, and we should stop seeing it in a “romantic” way, and start seeing it as a reality, as part of our daily lives. Recycle, do not throw garbage in the streets or on the beaches, take care of our tree in front, not wasting food, not wasting water, taking care of animals, our flowers, thinking about environmentally friendly alternatives, ecological products, new technologies, etc. To think that someone else will do it for us is to stop contributing our grain of sand and leave aside our responsibility as Christians.