Nov 08
The Joy of the Gospel from Pope Francis Lk 16,1-8
Today, Saint Pope Francis invites us to reflect on two opposing ways of life: the way of the world and that of the Gospel. (…) We must point out immediately that this administrator is not presented as a model to follow, but as an example of deceitfulness. (…) We are called to respond to this worldly astuteness with Christian astuteness, which is a gift of the Holy Spirit. This is a matter of departing from the worldly spirit and values, which the devil really favours, in order to live according to the Gospel. How is worldliness manifested? Worldliness is manifested by attitudes of corruption, deception, subjugation, and it constitutes the most ill-chosen road, the road of sin, because one leads you to the other! It’s like a chain, even if — it’s true — it is generally the easiest road to travel. Instead, Pope francis concluded, the spirit of the Gospel requires a serious lifestyle — serious but joyful, full of joy! — serious and challenging, marked by honesty, fairness, respect for others and their dignity, and a sense of duty. And this is Christian astuteness! (Angelus, 18 September 2016)