Feb 04
Let us learn this:
In the face of bodily and spiritual suffering, of the wounds in our souls, of situations that crush us, and even in the face of sin, God does not keep us at a distance. God is not ashamed of us; God does not judge us. On the contrary, he draws near to let himself be touched and to touch us, and he always raises us from death. He always takes us by the hand to say: daughter, son, arise! (cf. Mk 5:41). Walk forward; stride ahead! “Lord, I am a sinner” — “Stride ahead; I became sin for you, to save you” — “But you, O Lord, are not a sinner” — “No, but I have endured all the consequences of sin to save you”. This is beautiful! Let us fix in our hearts this image that Jesus gives us: God takes you by the hand and raises you up again. He lets himself be touched by your pain and touches you to heal you and give you life again.
(Pope, Angelus, 30 June 2024)