Oct 31
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul
Dearest mother in Christ, sweet Jesus: I, Catherine, servant and slave of the servants of Jesus Christ write to you in his precious Blood with desire to see you grounded in the knowledge of the Truth, Christ, sweet Jesus. (…) I beseech you in the name of Jesus Christ to dedicate your whole heart, your whole soul, all your strength, to loving and serving this sweet and dearest Father, this Spouse who is God, supreme Truth, eternal, who has loved us so much without being loved. Yes, let no one resist, no matter what his rank, greatness, power: are not all the glories of the world vain, do they not pass away like the wind? Let no creature distance himself from this true love which is the glory, life, and happiness of the soul, and then we shall show that we are faithful spouses. And then, when the soul only loves its Creator, it desires nothing except him. What she loves, what she does, is for him, and whatever she sees besides his will, such as vice, sins, injustice, she detests and the holy hatred she feels against sin is so strong that she would rather die than violate the faith she owes to her eternal Spouse. O be faithful, be faithful, as you follow in the footsteps of Jesus crucified, detesting vice, embracing virtue, executing great things for him. Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380) Dominican tertiary, Doctor of the Church, co-patron of Europe Letter 36, to Queen Giovanna of Naples (trans. Vida Scudder, London: J.M. Dent, 1927) @ evangelizo